The Aztec network will solve blockchain’s biggest problem: privacy.


Privacy matters

Ethereum paved the way toward a decentralized internet of the future. But there’s a glaring issue—everyone can see everything you do. Forever.

The blockchain privacy problem

Imagine your bank statements, social media likes, and web history plastered on a billboard. Today, everything you do on-chain is public for the world to see.

Transparency: A Double-Edged Sword

Blockchains are inherently transparent, meaning every transaction is visible for the world to see. Financial history, account balances, and transaction details become public knowledge, posing significant privacy and security risks to individuals and businesses.

The Myth of Pseudonymity

Many blockchains operate on a pseudonymous basis, allowing users to hide behind alphanumeric addresses. However, once an address is linked to an actual identity, the cloak of pseudonymity falls away. All past and future transactions connected to that address become easily traceable.

Blockchain’s Original Sin

Over the years, various projects have attempted to solve blockchain privacy with improved programmability and utility. While single-use applications have seen some success, a privacy-first smart contract platform remains elusive. Aztec aims to be the endgame for blockchain privacy.

History of on-chain privacy

Bitcoin was invented to enable trustless value transfer.


zCash extended Bitcoin’s promise with private transfers.


Ethereum was invented to enable trustless smart contracts.


Aztec extends Ethereum’s promise with private smart contracts.

The future of the internet demands user privacy

Privacy in blockchain isn't just about keeping your transactions and other activities confidential; it's fundamental to your security and freedom.

Enhanced Security

In a transparent blockchain, bad actors can easily trace your activities, exposing users to scams and fraud. When it comes to security, privacy isn't a nice to have—it's essential.

Personal Freedom

When transactions are private, your financial choices remain your own, free from public judgment or scrutiny. Privacy grants you the freedom to operate as you see fit.

Innovation Canvas

In a blockchain with privacy features, confidential transactions remain hidden, enabling new DeFi, gaming, and governance mechanisms.


Meet Aztec

We all expect privacy for our personal information, payments, and daily communications. Aztec will make this possible for the internet of the future.

Aztec is a
privacy-first Layer 2 on Ethereum

Aztec enables software developers to build apps for the blockchain-powered internet of the future, with your privacy as a priority.

What is Aztec?

To be more specific, Aztec is a zk-rollup providing humanity with privacy-preserving programmable digital money, identity solutions, games, and more.

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What will Aztec do for users?

Users of apps built on Aztec can choose which information to reveal to the world, and which to keep close.